Change your light globes to LED globes today
Stop in at the hardware store and buy LED globes for your light fittings. They last more than ten years and use a quarter of the energy of halogen globes. Buy as many as you can and commit to a date you will replace them all. You will see an immediate drop in electricity use.
Get a quote for solar
Solar on your roof makes a huge difference to how much electricity is used from dirty generators and will immediately reduce your electricity bills. If you plan to change some of your gas appliances to electric make sure you tell the installer when arranging a quote so they can size your system to power those as well.
Go electric
Renewable electricity is the way of the future. Plan to retire your gas appliances as they age and replace with electric ones. This will save you from high gas prices and further reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.
Buying a new appliance?
If you need a new fridge/dishwasher/washing machine/pool pump choose one that has a high energy star rating. The running cost is much lower over its lifetime. Usually these are high quality appliances as well and will last longer than cheaper brands – less landfill, lower replacement cost. If your hot water or heating needs replacing, perhaps now is the time to go electric.
Contact your local politician
This sounds like a pain in the neck you could well do without. However, politicians react VERY strongly to hand written letters that let them know the community’s opinion. Tell them you want them to close coal fired power stations or insist on a clean energy target. Let them know you want them to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Whatever the bee in your bonnet, take 15 minutes and a stamp to change what’s happening in Australia.